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News Posted via Blog format as of March 2005 CLICK THIS LINK


Minor Update

Updated sightings page, now in a photo album format. Keep the submissions coming! More updates to come with comic book!


Small Update

I'm going to start deleting older news with next update. Not that it matters one way or the other but old news doesn't have much point.

The comic book is going somewhat smoothly. I am awaiting a scanner that can scan at 11" x 17" for the comic pages which is running late because the idiots shipped me a digital camera instead. I am also awaiting some more drawing utensils and it is killing me waiting on this stuff. Some of the pages are pencilled but I still feel it is taking too long. The inker is up in the air right now, hard to find people who have similar style that are close to the character designs. As far as story, we are working from a movie script. Originally it was going to be broken into 12 issues and tell the whole script. However, as we started writing and adding sub-plots, fleshing out the characters, etc. we only moved three pages into the script. Looks like we'll be going with the script for a long time.

Other than that we'll be in Wizard World L.A. March 19-21 and Wizard World Philadelphia May 21-23. I'll give more details about Philly as we hope to have something by then.


We just got back from Wizard World Texas and got a better grasp of what needs to be done. It looks as if things will finally get worked out. The script for the first issue is just about ready to be finalized but I already started penciling a few pages. The story ends up at 20 pages, the back-up story is at 4 pages. We may have went over the industry standard by two pages...we'll figure something out. We pretty much are in place to finally get it complete, it WILL get publsihed whether we have to go through a publisher or self-publish on our own, that part remains to be seen.

Other projects, the Multiverser projects are still in the works. Still no site, but that's not my department and apparently maintaining forums for a circle of about 6-8 people seems to outrank selling Multiverser products. Well, a concept that good and marketable's only downfall is in the management. If you are interested in getting the books, you can find them here under "books by the author" or just about any online bookstore.

I said last time I'd look into a discussion board but haven't done it yet mostly because all the other things going on, I'd hope to have it set up in conjunction with the book so we can hear what people have to say.

All other projects are still in limbo due to the people involved with me in them being "busy". Amazing to me that I know people who are truly busy but their passion for completing something and their confidence allows them to work with me on it every few seconds they can spare. They know who I am referring to and since it is the holiday season I want to make sure I tell them thanks for all they have done.

With so much in the air now, I will make sure to get the projects completed I have so much attachment to. This is about doing what you love and loving what you do. Money isn't where life ends, keeping yourself distracted or "busy" so you can ignore life and not take in all that is around you is not the way to go, spend more time doing creative things and learn to ignore the types of people who spend their free time maintaining their lawns, vacuuming their carpets, and sitting at bars letting life pass them by. They fail to realize it is up to us to entertain them and they knock us for being a little different. But if it weren't for us, they'd have nothing in life to talk about, no trends for them to copy, and things would be stagnant and never evolve. Those are the people who cling to things they label as tradition for fear change will harm them when if they'd put their trust in the right people and not the ones pushing for "tradition" things would get better.

Let's get one thing straight. We aren't just here to make comics/cartoons. We are here with a plan. A plan that says we'll make comics, we'll give people an escape that isn't unhealthy and doesn't have side effects, we'll adapt these things to movies, to animated shows, to live-action shows, to toys that kids can set their imagination to(remember when imagination was encouraged?), and adults to build elaborate dioramas with. We'll move in to all forms of media and deliver a message of importance and the next step in human evolution. Create whole worlds that are a result of alternative thought that may help inspire future thinkers and dreamers. And when it all comes full circle you'll thank us and even the ones who knocked us we'll thank because they just made us stronger. You'll see.

Sorry to get on such a rant here, but I really had to get that out. Happy holidays to people of all faiths and even if you don't celebrate any holidays, just enjoy the days ahead...because we love everyone.

Check out the merchandise link for new holiday items.



A movie script I had made is currently being fleshed out into a 12-12 part comic book series. Originally planned as a trilogy, it looks like I'll be going for the long haul on this and making it a seven part piece. All the characters from the D-Finitive Universe® will be appearing over the stretch, at the very least with cameos. The plan is to do a back-up in each issue to show a different character.
As far as a publisher goes, I'll be at the Las Vegas Comic Con the weekend of Halloween discussing it with several publishers who do creator-owned properties. Beyond that, I have not yet set up anything to go to WizardWorld Texas but will more han likely be there.
Other business, I have started work on two upcoming Multiverser® titles, a second novel cover and interior art for the next rulebook. At the moment, the Multiverser site is down because domain name hijacking seems nearly impossible to prevent and looks like we may have to opt for a new name. It's such ashame when laws do not keep up with technology because the brand name is a trademark and now rest in the hands of a domain name seller out of some third world country who is trying to sell it back to use for unrealistic charges.
I am planning to do a little thing like a discussion board so i can share my opinions on different topics with everyone who comes to the site. Discussion is a good form of inspiration on my end so why not encourage it? That's pretty much it, check back for updates on everything here and more.


Comic book is underway and taking shape, will be presented in ashcan form and will hopefully be distributed in time for Wizard World Chicago in Rosemont, IL August 8-10 . I, Dimitrios "Jim" Denaxas, and a fellow Sinister Grynn, Inc.® member Brad Ladlee(more on him in a moment) will be there and are making plans to appear in WizardWorld Texas November 21-23rd with the goal in Texas to be as actual announced guests. If for any reason the ashcan comic does not make the deadline, it will be made and distributed either way.

Here are the details on the comic book:

It will function as an introductory ashcan with samples of the many directions in which we are headed. The slate so far looks like so and is subject to change:
Story about Max Bragg: Mystic Spy® written and created by newcomer Zach Mason, pencils by Jim Denaxas and inks by John Hogate.
A five-page Nomads!® sampler based on the characters created by William Kozak Jr. & Jim Denaxas as an animated pilot but adapted to comic book form by John Hogate.
A short splash page-like story or character sample by newcomer Chris Berry with writing possibly by Brad Ladlee.
The Mind of Mar-Mar® , one of the characters in the D-Finitive Universe® , pencils by Jim Denaxas, inks by John Hogate. Will be about an inner-city boy named Mar-Mar® and feature appearances by several other D-Finitive Universe® characters. Story should end up at about 13 pages.

Again, all this is up in the air at this point, hopefully things will make our personal deadlines, if not, we will be sending them out through the comic book circuit by other means.

Other news...
We look to be putting a lot of effort into making a short film with the working title of P.L.O.M.® , see if anyone can guess what it stands for.
Also, I, Dimitrios "Jim" Denaxas, will be one of the guests at Shorecon, the largest game convention on the East Coast, August 29-31, representing Multiverser® and signing books. It is being held in Cherry Hill, NJ at the Hilton. If interested please check Shorecon Official Site for more details.


There is currently discussion of investors in the incorporated Sinister Grynn® . The incorporating will help fund the anthology comic we have planned, the novel, and will establish shareholders who have faith in this operation enough to invest some of their hard-earned money into it. We are also discussing appearances at major comic conventions to launch the company but not dates are set, we will keep you posted. And for those wondering how incorporating will affect this...it will and won't, my projects and characters will still belong to me but will be licensed through the corporation. Joint projects will vary on terms and conditions, but in most cases be a joint ownership that licenses the projects, and others interested will have to meet approval by myself and, most likely, directors and will be a license deal as well so that the owners retain the rights to their creation unless they are selling the license TO us.


The Multiverser novel, "Verse Three, Chapter One", is officially out and features my cover art and design. It can be purchased from the Multiverser Site or any online bookstore such as amazon.com, bamm.com, walmart.com or others, the isbn is 0-9700368-3-3, it is available through major bookchains as well, just ask them for it.

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